Tuesday, 7 September 2010


I was thinking the other day that I needed to express some observations as well as give you all a yawnsome run-down of my comings and goings. So here's a few things from the brain of Sarah - feel free to dismiss at will...

- Everyone jaywalks here. This came as a shock to me, as the last time I was in the States, I was in California, where they are very strict. But NYers walk out regardless, which often makes for witnessing lots of scary near-misses between pedestrians and taxis. And everyone pretty much drives like a maniac too, in Manhattan at least.

- The 'art' of the wolfwhistle and car horn toot to express delight in the female physique is alive and well. This surprised me, given that it has all but (happily) disappeared in London.

- People stare more here than in London. I don't know whether it is because I wear different clothes (though we're not talking anything outrageous here), or because I am very VERY white, even compared with all the other white people, or because I am a stone-cold fox (ahem), or if everyone is just more open about looking.

- If you talk to a single man in a bar or cafe (or launderette or library) it is assumed you are chatting him up. By both him and those around you.

- Things the NYC subway does right: runs all night, air-conditioned, machines to check how much credit you have on your travel card. Things the NYC subway does wrong: confusing maps, changes to the service without warning, people going in and out of the same barriers.

- The declaration of calories on menus takes the fun out of going to get something trashy from a cafe. I realise this is the point.

- EVERYTHING has high-fructose corn syrup in it. Including my gherkins. Perverse.

- You can't buy everything you want from one supermarket. Really. My friend goes to four different ones to get the things she likes/needs. If it's strong on cheese, it's lacking in bread, and so on.

- The approach to brunch here should really be adopted more wholeheartedly in the UK - you start at around 11am, eat nice food, drink cocktails and gossip with your friends. It's like the pub Sunday roast, but for the summer. Embrace it please, London!

- The NHS *really* shouldn't be taken for granted, UK-dwellers. Having to self-diagnose and interpret stupidy complicated medical insurance means people don't really go to the doctor even if they need to. Erk.

More as and when they occur to me.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, really helps imagine what ny life is like x
